Framing Solutions in Terms of the Problem

I was working on a Scrum project where the user stories always ended up being too big to fit into a sprint, and we were constantly half-finishing stories and carrying them over to the next sprint. Our team agreed we needed to split the stories up, but we couldn’t agree how.

The team proposed we split stories into front-end and back-end components. This is a common way of splitting up work, because it’s obvious, it’s easy to do, and it’s easy to then assign the smaller stories to those with the right skills. I proposed instead we use vertical story slicing, where you slice stories into thin, end-to-end slices, and each slice is fully integrated and useful to a user. Vertical story slicing could be a post in its own right, and I won’t go into a full discussion of its merits here.

The points I was trying to make were that vertical story slices would decrease delivery risk by delivering fully-integrated slices sooner, and would give us more flexibility in prioritising each slice independently of the others, perhaps deferring the low value ones for later. But in the end, vertical story slicing was new to most of my team and I wasn’t able to make a strong enough case of the benefits to convince my team, so I was out-voted. We proceeded with front-end/back-end stories for a few sprints, but it didn’t really fix anything.

The first problem was that we decided to finish the back-end before starting the front-end, as it’s good to complete dependencies before committing to a new story. This meant stories took twice as long, since we introduced a delay to the front-end work which wasn’t there before. We removed the delay, but still found we had to carry half-finished work across sprints. Even in parallel, the amount of work for the entire back-end or front-end is still too much for one sprint. We hadn’t fixed our original problem, we just changed how work was tracked.

The real problem was that in sprint review, we couldn’t demonstrate half-finished work, and in order to show progress we had to re-estimate the remaining story-points to show how many had been “completed”. I can hear some of you groaning at this.

In other words, the real problem was that we had no transparency in our progress, which is ultimately what our client cared about week-to-week.

After a few sprints like this, one of my team members proposed we change the way we split up work. They’d been talking to the client, and what they really wanted to see was tangible progress every week, not made-up numbers decreasing in a spreadsheet.

My team member proposed that we break stories up into smaller use-cases, like “the main case”, “this edge case”, “that edge case”, “what if this part wasn’t configurable at first?” Each use case is small enough to finish in one sprint, and can be demonstrated at sprint review. We can then prioritise the use cases, and deliver them one-by-one with a team focus on getting work-in-progress over the line before starting the next one. This would allow the client to see tangible progress every single week, and we would carry work across sprints less often.

Basically, my team member pitched the idea of vertical story slicing back to me, only a few sprints after I’d already proposed it and we’d already voted it down. But I went along with it, we all got behind it, and after a couple more sprints the client loved it and so did we.

So why wasn’t I successful at convincing the team about vertical story slicing in the first place? I pitched it wrong. I focused on the wrong benefits, and overlooked the specific problem we were trying to solve for—transparency of progress.

If you’re trying to drive change in your team or organisation, make sure that you frame your proposed solution around what people agree is the problem.